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WHO Collaborating Centre area



Piccoli M, Tamburlini G. Important contributions from: Asatiani T, Vecchi Brumatti L, Chiaffoni G, de la Cueva P, Da Rio R, Demarini S, Glatleider P, Gori G, Jeckaite D, Maciulevicius A, Siupsinskas G, Uxa F. Coordination: Bacci A. Making pregnancy safer. Assessment tool for the quality of hospital care for mothers and newborn babies. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2009
-  The tool, built on the experience gathered by WHO Regional Office for Europe in the implementation of Making pregnancy safer programme and Effective perinatal care training package, is based on evidence based internationally accepted standards. The tool is intended to allow a problem based action-oriented careful assessment of all the major areas and factors which may have an impact on quality of care such as infrastructure, supplies, organization of services and case management, focusing on the areas that have been shown to have the greatest impact on maternal and newborn mortality and serious morbidity, as well as on maternal and neonatal wellbeing.

Basevi V, Baronciani D, Di Mario S, Formoso G, Gori G, Paltrinieri B, Spettoli D, Magrini N. CeVEAS: Developing and using guidelines to promote sexual and reproductive health. Entre Nous. The European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health 2008;67:24-25
- By striving to share and produce the best available evidence on women's health, the  WHO Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) for Evidence based research synthesis and guideline development in reproductive health, and its work, allows health professionals to access instruments and information to improve the overall quality of the care provided, and to establish a better communication with their patients. In addition, this same information can provide policy makers with the tools and the knowledge needed to choose priorities and to increase the effectiveness of the organization within the health sector they are working in.

Di Mario S, Basevi V, Daya L, Magnano L, Magrini N et al. Review of the available evidence on 4% chlorhexidine solution for umbilical cord care for the WHO model List of Essential Medicines. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2008
- The report - based on currently available evidence, including direct evidence from a single large randomised controlled trial (RCT) and indirect evidence from one systematic review of RCTs, two RCTs and some observational or not randomized studies - concludes for inclusion of 4% (free) chlorhexidine for topical umbilical cord care (i.e. equivalent 4% free chlorhexidine in 7.1% digluconate) in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.

South Eastern Europe Health Network. Strengthening national capacities for improving maternal and neonatal health in south-eastern Europe. Workshop on Clinical Guidelines Development. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2007
- The report of a workshop on clinical guidelines development, included in the project on improving maternal and neonatal health in south-eastern Europe and aimed at disseminating the methodology of evidence-based guideline development, and adaptation of international guidelines for national/local use.

Department of Making Pregnancy Safer, World Health Organization. WHO Recommendations for the prevention of postpartum haemorrhage. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2007
- Bleeding after childbirth (postpartum haemorrhage, PPH) is an important cause of maternal mortality, accounting for nearly one quarter of all maternal deaths worldwide. Common causes for PPH include failure of the uterus to contract adequately after birth leading to atonic PPH, tears of the genital tract leading to traumatic PPH and bleeding due to retention of placental tissue.

Di Mario S, Say L, Lincetto O. Risk factors for stillbirth in developing countries: a systematic review of the literature. Sex Transm Dis 2007;34:S11-S21
- Systematic review of published studies on risk factors for stillbirth within 3 broadly defined categories: infections, other clinical conditions, and context-dependent conditions such as socioeconomic status, maternal literacy, and receipt of antenatal care.

Department of Making Pregnancy Safer, World Health Organization. Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006
- The Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care consists of a set of user-friendly leaflets that present World Health Organization (WHO) key recommendations on the delivery of maternal and neonatal care in health facilities, starting from the first level of care.
The Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care are part of the WHO Integrated Management of Pregnancy and Childbirth Care (IMPAC) Package, which provides guidance for assisting countries to improve the health and survival of women and their newborn babies during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period

Health Evidence Network (HEN), World Health Organization. What is the effectiveness of antenatal care? (Supplement). Copenhagen: WHO
Regional Office for Europe; 2005
- Antenatal care means "care before birth", and includes education, counselling, screening and treatment to monitor and to promote the well-being of the mother and foetus. The current challenge is to find out which type of care and in what quantity is considered sufficient to ensure good quality of care for low-risk pregnant women. Only interventions of proven effectiveness, for which benefits largely overcome possible harms, and those acceptable to pregnant women and their families, should be offered.
This report is a supplement to the 2003 HEN synthesis report. It is a review of the best available evidence in the scientific literature regarding Antenatal care interventions.

Data di pubblicazione: 11.12.2008

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